Come and visit our wonderful school including our NEW NURSERY. We have open mornings every Thursday afternoon led by the Headteacher.

Class 3 - Oaks

Our Oaks

Integrity and Forgiveness 

The school day begins at 8.45 in Class 3, with handwriting practice, during which we have registration. We then have Grammar practice before Collective Worship at 9.30. We then have Literacy and Maths before lunch at 12.25. The day finishes at 3.15.

The afternoons are based around our topic and as part of topic we will include history, geography, art, design technology and ICT. PE and RE are also covered during the afternoon. We arrange regular trips to reinforce our topic learning. Our topics include Romans, Celebrations, life in Victorian times and Volcanoes and Earthquakes. 

Year 3 sees the introduction of French as our modern foreign language which is taught on a Thursday followed by creative writing. Thursday afternoon is Science and music is taught on a Friday. 

Rewards for effort and behaviour for learning, include a 'Star of the Week' which is given in Collective Worship, Star of the day and merit marks. There are also reading and writing awards.

Each term the children are given maths and spelling competencies to work on at home, together with weekly maths and literacy homework. The children can also receive rewards for learning our competencies.

In Year 3 we encourage independence, making the children responsible for their own belongings and ensuring homework is completed and returned on time.